Thursday, September 9, 2010

slow trek across America...

This morning we're waking up in Colby, Kansas. Ben's getting some extra sleep while I type this because he's been fighting what we both think is tonsillitis. He's prone to getting tonsillitis - I think this is the third time he's had it this year.
He's also doing all of the driving, because our truck and car is a huge rig that's hard to drive. I tried to drive it on our first day and it is HARD. I only lasted a half hour and then I pulled over and gave the reins back to Ben. 65 was the fasted I would drive, and on curves and when semi trucks would pass us (which is constant) I would slow down to around 60. I had to drive with both hands on the wheel with my arms flexed. Seriously. My muscles hurt afterwards. The Rig (we've affectionately named it The Rig) pulls and you have to pull it back without overcompensating. We are not going to get anywhere going that slow, so I passed the buck to Ben and he's doing great.

The Rig


I think we're averaging around 70 but we don't seem to be making very good time. Which is because we stop. A lot. I bet we stop around nine or ten times every day. What for? I don't know, gas, bathroom, food, bathroom. We started consolidating stops, but honestly, i think we just like to get out.

Our third member of the family is doing great. Meishka doesn't have a large space, but she doesn't complain and she's keeping us entertained with her odd positions and looks that she gives us. Mom, you'll be happy to know, that I fixed up her bed and she's now completely level again. She is much happier.

That's all for now. Next stop, Colorado!

Monday, August 9, 2010


This little guy is cracking me up!

From These Are Things...
They even have t-shirts with him!!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

well, hello there

So it's already nearly summer and I haven't written is five long months, which means lots of exciting news. First, I'm going to be an aunt!! Chad and Amanda are 9 weeks and counting til they meet their new baby boy. The whole thing seems so incredible to me...a new person! This is the first new baby in our immediate family, which must be why it feels so profound. When I try to put it into words, they fail to express the wonder of it all. They've made a new person who will have his own thoughts and ideas and future and personality. It's so very cool and I am so SO excited.

My next piece of news is twice as exciting because of Baby Armington. Ben and I are going to be moving to Oregon for school in September, so we'll only be an hour and a half from Chad, Amanda and the new little guy! I'm going to be going for a graduate degree in public health and Ben is going back for his undergrad. What an awesome adventure. I haven't been this excited about a move in a very long time. Corvallis is a small town of 50,000 people and looks to be about 2 miles by 2 miles. Obviously, we'll be in for some adjustments. I can't really even picture how drastically our lives will change, but it's a welcome one.

This weekend, my best girlfriends (including my sister, Linds) all met up in Fort Collins, Colorado which is one of my all-time favorite places in the world. It was such an amazing time. There was laughing, story telling, shopping, eating, biking and some pretty serious bingo involved. The whole experience made me think of how much i enjoy a slower pace and smaller town.

I plan on using this blog to keep everyone in the loop so it doesn't feel like such a long long way away (as your blog says, Amanda!). I planned to post a bunch of 2010pictures, but my newer camera cord posed as my old camera cord while i was blindly searching for it early this morning. Expect those pictures soon.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Merry Christmas

I really love Christmas and I was a little worried that this year wouldn't feel as festive since we didn't do our normal Christmas tradition of driving to Iowa. That probably doesn't sound like much fun to most people, but I really LOVE going every year. I love seeing everyone up there and there's always snow on the ground, so it really feels like the holidays. My uncle is an amazing cook and we eat like kings, including the beloved 'soup night' - this is a fabulous night of decadence. He makes four or five soups - all completely amazing and then we play cards or watch movies or hang out in the hot tub. It's a blast.

Anyway, so I have a new job this year (yeaaa), so i couldn't take enough time off for us to make the trip. We decided to get a cabin in Blue Ridge for a few days and I was surprised to find myself really excited to go. I realize that I may sound a little bratty. 'really amanda? you were excited to go to the mountains? shocking'. but as i get older, i rarely get excited about trips. i used to be excited for weeks, even months ahead of time. the anticipation was almost as good as the trip. but now i rarely feel that anticipation. guess it's just one of those things.

So anyway, when we got to the cabin, it was decked out - I mean, like seriously decorated. there was a HUGE 10' tree and every square inch of space was covered those little knickknacks that cabins always have. They didn't take down their normal decorations, so it was packed with bears, deers, roosters, and little snowmen...everywhere. No room for even a glass on the coffee and side tables. But it was vey cute. We spent the days eating, cooking, snacking, drinking, a little hiking, playing games and hot tubbing and more eating. *Sigh* it was so much fun and totally beautiful out there.

So that was Christmas, but we also had a very lovely Pre-Christmas a couple weeks ago in Oregon with my brother and sister-in-law. That was really fun, even though we bombarded their fabulous, but not massive home with five extra people for six days. yes, we were those in-laws. but it was really fun and again, we ate really well. The Portland branch of the Armington family knows a thing or two about cooking great meals. yummm. I also got to check out Portland State University. I am applying for grad schools (Masters of Public Health) and PSU is in the mix. I was thrilled to check out the campus and talk with someone from the school for little bit. Very cool. Great vacation.

and it's not over yet...My sister and I leave on Wednesday night for Winter Park, Colorado for four days (and New Years) with my best friends. Only sad thing is that Ben can't come. such a bummer. he'll be missed.

and it's still not over. Up until last night it was, but as I got in bed and picked up my book last night, an envelope slid out.

Now, Ben and I didn't do gifts this year. None, that was the deal. I looked at him and he said, 'before you open it, I know we're not doing gifts, but this kinda just happened and I really wanted to do it.' oh, you lovely man. Inside a very sweet card was a ticket to Lady Gaga!! OH MY GOD, NO WAY!!!!! I had really wanted to go with my sister, and Ben's sister and a few others, but the tix were so expensive and I've been spending too much lately, so I decided against going. What a guy. I'm a lucky girl.

I hope you all are having a wonderful holiday.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

so it's been awhile

A long long while. I was pretty much going to scrap this blog, as I have pretty much scrapped the idea of selling my handbags (it takes sooooo long to make one), but my sister told me I was lame, so here i am, writing again.

Basically, i'm going to writing about, well, my life. i think i mentioned my reluctance to write about myself for all the world to see, but since i enjoy enjoy reading other blogs so much, i figure, why not.

To get you all up to speed...lots has happened since the summer. A new job, a new place to live, a trip to Yellowstone and the Grand Tetons, an unsellable home and a new plan for the future. Are you exhausted yet? I know.

Actually, i'm really excited and happy about all the changes that have happened since july. The first is my super rad new house with my sister, Linds. We love it, my commute is about 12 minutes (i'm thinking about starting to bike it), i get to live with my puppy again and the house is just so cute! I'll try to get some pictures up soon.

I have a new job. Not the best job in the world, but it's a job and it'll do just fine. I have to say that there is some craziness that goes on, and not in a good, fun way, but i'm trying to coast along til it's time for grad school. I'm making a paycheck for the first time since June of 2008, so this is a good thing.

In July, Ben and i took the most amazing trip to Yellowstone and the Grand Tetons. And Fort Collins too, where my very good friends let us stay with them and take their car on our long journey - yes, they gave us their car for five or six days. They are really really good friends. Here are some pictures for you to enjoy....

Just entering Grand Teton National Park

A gorgeous hike to Hidden Falls, by Jenny Lake

Mammoth Hot Springs

Our campsite view on the first morning

Our rad friends who let us stay with them and drive their car all over creation

On our way back to Fort Collins with the Tetons in the background

Friday, June 19, 2009

I think this is pretty awesome.

It's short - only two minutes of your time.....

please spread the word and this video if you feel it's important.

i do.